Easy to Play and Learn Musical Notes
Birds on the Wires introduces your little Mozart to musical notes in a fun and creative way! Play along to classic nursery rhyme songs and kid songs, or compose your own masterpiece! And it’s easy to play just by pressing the keyboard or tapping the screen on mobile! This game includes four levels: the first level the child can tap anywhere, or use any key on the keyboard, and the song will progress; on the second level the child needs to tap each note (bird) for the song to continue; the third level the child can move the birds to the proper position to create a classic song; and the fourth level is for the child to create their own music.
Parents & Teachers: Let you child play along to these classic kids songs!
Related Videos: Caesar makes music with his bird friends in “Peekaboo!” Go here.
Game Learning Focus: Discover music | Music Exploration | Observation | Making Predictions | Cause and Effect | Age-Appropriate | Baby Game | Toddler Game | Preschool Game