Calendar learning for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners
The calendar is an incredible learning tool. Calendars help young children learn the basics of the days of the week, the months, and the year. This fun calendar offers opportunities for other learning as well.
With the introduction of a calendar, your little ones can begin to learn sequencing with yesterday, today, and tomorrow. And the days of the month allow for a great opportunity to reinforce their counting skills.
Members can use this calendar to keep track of birthdays, special days, and even their favorite holidays.
Create birthday reminders! Encourage your child to mark special birthdays on the calendar. This can include siblings, grandparents, and even teachers! When a special birthday is coming up, seeing the reminder can prompt your child to create a special birthday card for that person.
Mark your favorite holidays! You can add holidays to the calendar, so your little one can see when it is coming up.
Add your own specials and messages! Dance recitals, sporting events, anniversaries can all be added to this calendar with either the slider icons, or by adding a special message to the calendar.
Game Learning Focus: Calendar Time | Counting | Observation | Using the Calendar | Age-Appropriate | Preschool Game | Coloring Sheets