Choo-Choo Train Game

Choo-Choo Train Game

Fun and easy train games for toddlers and preschoolers

All aboard to play this fun game for toddlers and preschoolers with a train, a car and a tractor! And enjoy all the bells and whistles, honking horns, bubbles blowing! Also, it’s easy to play by pressing the keyboard on desktop or tapping the screen on any mobile device.

Parents & Teachers: Have your child guess which animal will be on the tractor’s trailer!

Related Video: Explore sounds and music with Kiki and sing along with this fun song about a “Neighbors”! Go here.

Game Learning Focus: Observation | Making Predictions | Cause and Effect | Age-Appropriate | Baby Game | Toddler Game | Preschool Game

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Who says MOO?

Do you say moo? You and your little one will be mooved to laughter as you compete to make the different animal sounds!


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