Some children focus on an activity and play for hours, while others seem to flit from one thing to the next without the ability to settle. Of course, personality and brain makeup contribute to a child’s ability to focus, but did you know there are ways to increase your child’s attention span?
Even if your little one has ADHD, as my youngest does, there are tips and tricks to increase their ability to complete tasks in one sitting!
Play is critical to a child’s development. It develops a child’s problem-solving ability, critical thinking, and ability to learn new skills. In addition, play promotes language and social development and develops gross and fine motor skills.
However, children need the ability to focus on their play to make it meaningful. Remember that attention span naturally increases with age, so while your three-year-old might sit and play with blocks for half an hour, don’t expect your 18-month-old to sit and play with blocks for more than 5-10 minutes.
Your child’s attention also varies based on their interest in an activity. For example, give a preschooler who loves books a pile of new picture books from the library, and you may not see them for an hour. Or, give a kid who loves building a new LEGO set, and you have 45 minutes to make dinner!
Conversely, if you give that same LEGO set to a child who struggles with math concepts and spatial awareness, they’ll likely give up after five minutes. Understanding what your child enjoys and excels at is vital to engaging their attention.
Ways to Use Play to Increase Attention Span
In addition to your little one doing activities they enjoy, there are some other ways you can increase their attention span through play.
Engage in a task with your child. When parents spend time playing with their children, it increases the child’s level of interest and learning. Parent-child bonding is the most beneficial aspect of homework in elementary school.
Offer a structured task with a clear end. Typically, I’m a massive advocate of open-ended activities. But for children who struggle with attention span or have ADHD, open-ended activities may seem daunting. So instead, pick something like a puzzle, LEGO set, or coloring page you can do together with a clear ending.
Pick something your child enjoys. This may seem like a no-brainer, and yes, we all have to do things we don’t like. But if you’re working on building a skill, make the work enjoyable by engaging them in something they like!
Make the activity sensory-friendly. Some children struggle with attention span because their bodies do not receive the sensory stimuli needed. They may need to move about or stand or use a wobble chair. Think of your needs when completing a task and what helps you focus. For example, when attending long meetings or training sessions, I prefer to stand in the back where I can move about – I’m a horrible sitter!
Gradually increase the difficulty. If an activity is too easy or too much of a challenge, your child will likely quit quicker than if it is just the right amount of challenge. For example, if your child enjoys puzzles and can easily do 25-piece ones, step it up to 50-piece puzzles, then 75, and so on as they master each level.
Limit distractions. Whether playing a board game, going for a walk, or completing homework, limit the number of distractions. For example, put phones away (yes, you too!), turn off background noise like the TV or radio, and put younger siblings in another room for a nap or their playpen.
Change the Scenery. Some children are understimulated by their environment and need a change of scenery. Take a homework assignment to the park or take their building blocks and dramatic play toys outside. The outside environment will spark their creativity and the way they play.
Use one-step directions. Children who struggle with attention span also find it challenging to follow multistep directions. Instead, use clear directions with verbal and non-verbal clues such as pointing, pictures, and eye contact.
Updated July 24th, 2024, by L. Elizabeth Forry